Emerging Leaders Institute

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Emerging Leaders Institute

Opening hours

Cape Town, Eastern Cape 7441



Reshaping The Self Image

. Duration:45 mins··. Price:R 450

How To Communicate Effectively

. Duration:45 mins··. Price:R 450

How To Set Goals And Start Living

. Duration:45 mins··. Price:R 450

How To Release Your Hidden Potential

. Duration:45 mins··. Price:R 450

How To Market The You Brand Successfully

. Duration:45 mins··. Price:R 450

Use Your Power Of Choice

. Duration:45 mins··. Price:R 450


Our Value Proposition is simple: We acknowledge the vast leadership potential of young South Africans. They’re our future leaders, and we can’t afford to let their latent potential get lost by the wayside.

Why is the ELI Personal Development Training, foundational for effective leadership empowerment? Read what Prof Ihron Rensburg, former Vice-Chancellor UJ say: “A National Senior Certificate is increasingly less valued by the labour market. Ten years ago, an NSC was very highly valued; that’s no longer the case. You need to have an NSC, plus something else (like a short course) to become employable in South Africa. If you want to enter the job market, shorter courses at credible colleges and institutions are the way to go. ” He is now Advisory Board Vice Chairman of EON Reality Education.

If you're ready for a positive and radical transformation in your life; we're more than willing and committed to provide that transformation with and for YOU! Don't delay. Act Today!

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